sexta-feira, fevereiro 25, 2011

It's Thunder And It's Lightning

Right foot
followed by her left foot
We gotta get you home
before your curfew
and into your bed.

on our tiptoes
peering through
open windows
I swear I heard my name.

with the lights off
waiting for my brain to start
trying to work things out

It's thunder
and it's lightning
and it's all things
too frightening
I could barely see outside.

Your body was black and blue
It struck twice there's nothing new
Your body was black and blue
It struck twice there's nothing new

Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black.

And it's thunder
and it's lightning
coming home.

And it's thunder
and it's lightning
coming back.

Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
and your body...

I have to say goodnight
I'm leaving before you're punching out my lights
I have to say goodnight
I'm leaving before you're punching out my lights
I have to say goodnight
I'm leaving before you're punching out my lights
I'm leaving

Direto na têmpora: Ghost of a friend - Supergrass

4 comentários:

PC disse...

Claro que vale como post.
Me deu um medo danado.
A autoria é deste modesto escriba?

redatozim disse...

Esqueci de dar o crédito, PC, é de uma banda chamada We Were Promised Jetpacks.

Andre disse...

But all we got were pogo sticks... LOL

redatozim disse...

lol boa, andre